Bloomberg News reports: Bloomberg is one in a ‘two-man race for the nomination’

On Tuesday, Bloomberg News, owned by billionaire and presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, wrote a piece lauding Bloomberg’s campaign, calling it a “two-man race for the nomination.” 

The incestuous article seems to be propping up Bloomberg, which seems to be going against the publication’s promise to be fair with all candidates, while simultaneously refusing to investigate Michael Bloomberg.  

Twitter was quick to erupt over the article, with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) writing, “It’s almost as if he owns the media.”

Trump later ripped into Bloomberg, writing, “Is corrupt Bloomberg News going to say what a pathetic debater Mini Mike is, that he doesn’t respect our great farmers, or that he has violated campaign finance laws at the highest and most sinister level with ‘payoffs’ all over the place?”

On Wednesday night, Mike Bloomberg will join his fellow Democrat candidates on the Nevada Debate stage in Las Vegas.