Gaffe-ridden Biden tries to revive limp campaign ahead of Nevada and South Carolina primaries

On Wednesday, it was revealed that flailing Democrat presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden will attempt to revive his limp campaign by more television appearances and interviews, CNBC reports.

Biden was formerly known as the Democrat frontrunner, but after his lackluster performance in Iowa and New Hampshire, his poll numbers have tanked and his campaign is bleeding cash.

Thanks to the news, Trump supporters and opponents of Biden have been given a political gift. Due to Biden’s penchant for making gaffes everywhere he goes, more television appearances mean more gaffes, which only helps opponents of the former Vice President.

Earlier this month, Biden called a young, female voter a “lying dog-faced pony solider.”

The news comes as candidates campaign in Nevada and South Carolina, where Biden is leading in the polls, followed by billionaire Tom Steyer. Can Biden survive South Carolina? We will see if Nevadans and South Carolinians still support gaffe-ridden Biden.

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