Trump surpasses New Hampshire vote total for every incumbent president in last four decades, media silent

President Trump’s vote total in New Hampshire is breaking records with only 87% reporting in the Granite State. The President has already garnered 120,476 votes in the New Hampshire Republican Party primary, more votes than any other incumbent president in history. 

Trump’s historic New Hampshire vote total more than doubles that of his predecessor, President Barack Hussein Obama, who received roughly 49,000 votes in the Granite State.

Trump is also very likely to beat the vote percentages of the last three incumbent presidents who won re-election, setting the President up to continue making history. 

On Wednesday morning, President Trump took to Twitter to blast the liberal media for their failure to report on the massive electoral achievement, writing, “Fake News [CNN] and MSDNC have not surprisingly refused to talk about my record-setting number of voters in New Hampshire (and in Iowa). That’s why they are poorly rated Fake News! I will win both states in November.”

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