Gallup poll: 61% of Americans better off today than they were three years ago, 52% better financially

According to a new Gallup poll, More Americans report that they are better off today than they were three years ago. 61% of Americans say they are better off than they were three years ago, a higher percentage than in prior election years when an incumbent president was running.

The poll shows 29% of Democrats, 60% of Independents, and 89% of Republicans feel they are better off today than they were three years ago.

The report also shows that 52% of  Americans report a better financial situation now than in past presidential incumbent reelection years. 

The Gallup poll also shows that respondents gave more credit to President Trump than President Barack Hussein Obama for America’s economic improvements. “Sixty-two percent give Trump a great deal or fair amount of credit for improvement in the state of the economy in the past few years — more than the 51% giving former President Barack Obama the same level of credit,” reports Gallup.

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