Bloomberg has massive surge in polls, is now a FRONTRUNNER

On Tuesday, a new Morning Consult poll shows a massive surge of support for billionaire and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, who started out in the low single digits after he announced his candidacy.

Now, the poll shows Bloomberg at 17%, which is third behind Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) at 25%, former Vice President Joe Biden at 22%. Bloomberg is now leading other top-contenders, including socialist Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who are tied at 11% in the Morning Consult poll.

The news comes out as Democrats face off in New Hampshire’s primary, where 33 Democrat delegates are up for grabs. Bloomberg already won the first town, Dixville Notch, with three write-in votes.

Bloomberg’s surge in polling also comes out on the same day a video was released showing his explanation for his criminal justice program during his New York City mayorship, which included disparaging comments toward minorities.

President Trump tweeted on Tuesday about Bloomberg, writing, “Mini Mike is a short ball (very) hitter. Tiny club head speed. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!”

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