Far-left Salon article subtly tries (and fails) to compare Buttigieg with President Trump

On Monday, Salon.com published an article seeming to discredit their supposed least-favorite candidate, former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who they tried to subtly compare to President Donald Trump. The move appears to be a tactic to get more left-leaning voters to opt for Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), or even former Vice President Joe Biden.

In the intro to their article entitled, “Mayor Pete is a mirage — but the road ahead looks murky for Democrats,” they asked, “Can Pete Buttigieg’s kinder, gentler version of “make America great again” survive the New Hampshire winter?”

In the post, the writer, Andrew O’Hehir paints Buttigieg as “literally an old person’s idea of what young people in America ought to be like, right down to the no-longer-unconventional fact that his marriage, so blindingly wholesome and middle American that it would give Norman Rockwell a toothache, involves another man.” 

Buttigieg’s vision for America was also described as “making America great again” and attempted to paint Trump as a “white nationalist” despite absolutely no evidence proving that claim at all. His vision is also described as “middle-ground Democratic idealism that goes back through Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to John F. Kennedy.”

Although Buttigieg’s far-left socialist message is lightyears from the more moderate JFK politics of the 1960s, the folks at Salon seem to be trying to meet their quota of propaganda for the week and don’t much care for facts. 

Pete Buttigieg is nothing like John F. Kennedy and has nearly no similarities to President Donald Trump, who has brought massive success to the United States.

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