Trump’s March for Life speech reveals what’s at stake in 2020 for mothers and babies

On Friday, President Donald Trump addressed the annual March for Life rally, making history as the first president to attend the largest human rights event in the world. 

During the President’s short remarks, President Trump gave hope to the nation with his words of encouragement, and his profound commitment to the pro-life movement through his actions. While some former presidents claim to be pro-life, Trump has delivered time and time again in the quest for equality.

The president bullet-pointed just a few actions he has taken since he assumed his high office. He told the March for Life crowd, “…during my first week in office, I reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy and we issued a landmark pro-life rule to govern the use of Title X taxpayer funding. I notified Congress that I would veto any legislation that weakens pro-life policy or that encourages the destruction of human life.”

He also noted what he has done on a global scale to affirm life, adding, “At the United Nations, I made clear that global bureaucrats have no business attacking the sovereignty of nations that protect innocent life.”

The President further remarked about his work to support faith-based adoption and the First Amendment, so that pro-lifers and all Americans cannot be discriminated against on college campuses or any public space in America.

President Trump’s mere action of attending the March for Life indicates the love his White House has for the unborn and his dedication to preserving and protecting ALL human life from destruction. 

And President Trump not only cares about unborn babies but deeply cares about women. He told the massive crowd, “And to all the moms here today, we celebrate you and we declare that mothers are heroes. Your strength, devotion, and drive is what powers our nation. Because of you, our country has been blessed with amazing souls who have changed the course of human history.”

By changing the culture through welcoming motherhood, President Trump is helping shape our nation into a pro-family nation, respecting not only the child but the parents of that child as well. 

In President Trump’s and Vice President Pence’s America, ALL children are respected and welcomed from ALL walks of life, which is just another reason why they will soar to victory in 2020. 

If Democrats control the White House and/or either chamber of the U.S. Congress, Americans can brace themselves for extreme late-term abortion, allowing the murder of a child right up until the moment of birth. The choice in 2020 is either to vote for Trump or vote for the destruction of human life.