WaPo contributor: Trump, Jewish orgs combating BDS hate are responsible for anti-Semitic attacks

In a Sunday morning tweet, The Washington Post’s Mairav Zonszein held President Trump “personally responsible” for the increase of violent anti-Semitic attacks, including the recent New York machete stabbing.

Despite President Trump’s pro-Israel, pro-Jewish initiatives, including moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Zonszein blames Trump for attacks on Jewish people, writing, “Just to be clear, I hold the Trump White House directly responsible for the increasing violent attacks on Orthodox Jewish people in America. It should be clear now that exceptionalizing Jews- whether in a negative or positive light- endangers us and keeps us forever at risk”

Zonszein also blasted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and criticized organizations fighting anti-Semitism, claiming they spend too much time focusing on the anti-Semitic Palestinian extremist “BDS” movement

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