NYMag op-ed: I’m offended that liberals are offended by Obama’s offensive presidency

Apparently, President Obama’s staunchest supporters are offended by other liberals’ critiques of POTUS 44’s job performance, and so, they have taken to New York Magazine to air their dirty laundry on the topic. 

In an op-ed entitled “Does the Left Have Any Better Ideas Than Obama’s,” Jonathan Chait makes the vigorous liberal case against critics of President Obama. The peice is apparently supposed to counter a slew of liberal op-Ed’s going after Obama in the left-wing New Republic, entitled, “The Collapse of Neoliberalism,” “A Decade of Liberal Delusion and Failure,” and “The Hell That Was Health-Care Reform.”

Chait doesn’t agree with the leftist website, writing, “The Obama era produced the most sweeping combination of social reforms, economic rescue, and regulation of any presidency in half a century.”

To back up his claims, Chait cites the “enormous reforms [such] as the bank rescue, auto bailout, green-energy subsidies, energy-efficiency and pollution regulations, DACA, the Iran nuclear deal, the Cuba opening, and ending the ban on gays in the military.” 

Chait fails, however, to speak of Obama’s bailouts of giant corporations in the “bank rescue” the horrific “green-energy policies,” such as subsidizing the solar company Solyndra, which received $535 million from the federal government and went bankrupt, with million-dollar solar technology being chucked into giant dumpsters. Chait doesn’t even mention the costly Paris Climate Agreement which Obama signed the U.S. into for over $1 billion, which the United Nations called a fraud. 

Other details Chait fails to add in his defense of Obama are the the disastrous and unconstitutional effects of DACA, and the failed Iran nuclear deal, which gave $150 billon in cash to a terrorist nation without any checks or balances, which even the Washington Post scolded Obama about. 

Regardless of objective facts and outrage from both the Left and the Right, the far-left rag known as NYMag will continue to be the episcenter for Obama sycophants, obsessively looking to justify the horrors of the Obama Administration.

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