Giuliani drops bombshell: Yovanovitch ‘at minimum enabled Ukrainian collusion’

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani took to Twitter to explain more about how former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch was removed, including denying visas to Ukrainians who wanted to expose Dem corruption, obstruction of justice, and collusion with Ukraine.

Giuliani wrote, “Yovanovitch needed to be removed for many reasons most critical she was denying visas to Ukrainians who wanted to come to US and explain Dem corruption in Ukraine. She was OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE and that’s not the only thing she was doing. She at minimum enabled Ukrainian collusion.”

The tweet comes just one day after Giuliani appeared on Fox News, where he admitted to helping force out Yovanovitch due to her alleged corruption. 

The bombshell comes the same day the House Rules Committee will take up impeachment articles against President Trump before it heads to the House floor for a vote in front of the full chamber, where it is expected to pass. 

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