Failing 2020 Dems cry racism because voters don’t like them, want DNC to rig primary in their favor

A new POLITICO article showcases a handful of 2020 Democrats and their squabbles with the Democrat primary process. Of course, because failing candidates like Cory Booker and Julián Castro will not be on the December debate stage, they are now claiming the Democrat primary is racist, and Iowa is not “diverse” enough to be the first primary state. New Hampshire is also racist now because they require identification cards to vote.

Despite the fact that most Black and Latino voters are rejecting Booker and Castro for Biden and Bernie, that’s not stopping their campaigns from yelling “RACIST” as loud as humanly possible in the last-ditch attempt at begging voters to join their uninspired campaigns.

New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker’s campaign manager Addisu Demissie said, “You have to answer two questions when you’re running for president: One is should you be president and the other is could you be president. And if you are a white man you do not have to answer that second question.” The flippant racism spewing from Booker’s campaign manager sheds light on what the senator really brings to the table other than his race: and it’s not much else.

Castro’s campaign bemoans the fact that more people aren’t flocking to his limp campaign, so of course, it’s racist to have Iowa and New Hampshire as the first primary states, with Castro saying, “Demographically, it’s not reflective of the U.S. as a whole, certainly not reflective of the Democratic Party, and I believe other states should have their chance.” 

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), said, “having Iowa and New Hampshire first disadvantages minority candidates without question,” but he forgets that Obama won Iowa in 2008, so the argument that a “minority” can’t win Iowa is a bunch of malarkey. 

Others are going a step further, claiming the primary process is not only racist, but it is also sexist, with former DNC official Leah Daughtry saying, “institutional racism and sexism is everywhere in this country, present in all of our institutions.” She forgets that Hillary Clinton won New Hampshire in 2008, so how could the primary be sexist?

And since New Hampshire now requires an identification card to vote, Democrats are calling the state racist, despite people of all races being able to obtain an ID regardless of color. Former DNC chair Howard Dean called the requirement an  “embarrassment.”

The fake outrage from failing Democrats and their supporters shows exactly what is wrong with the Democrat Party. First, the obsessive need for “diversity” and “making history” seems to be the only thing the Democrats care about when doing anything, despite highly-qualified people who do not fit in a “minority” category who may be better for the job. 

And second, if Democrats can’t win by the rules, they will try to change them. By begging DNC officials to change debate requirements to make “more diverse” states the first primary states, it proves that rather than winning a primary by being the best candidate, they’d rather rig it to help failing candidates who can’t stand up on their own two feet alone, so they need an unfair advantage. 

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