Vulnerable Dem signs political death warrant: will vote to impeach despite 56% of voters in opposition

On Sunday, Rep. Xochitl Torres Small (D-NM) made the career-ending decision to announce she will vote for Nancy Pelosi’s two partisan impeachment articles, a move unsupported by any Republicans. Actually, moderate Democrats are voting against it, some even switching parties because of the polarizing vote, such as first-term Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey.

Torres Small’s full statement reads as follows:

“After serious consideration, I believe impeachment is the necessary response to President Trump’s use of the Executive Office of the President for his own personal and political gain. We cannot allow any President of either party to abuse the power of the highest office, jeopardizing our country’s national security in the process, to pressure foreign leaders to conduct investigations against political rivals. We also cannot allow any President to obstruct Congress’ power to investigate impeachable offenses by prohibiting White House and other administration officials from testifying or providing evidence. I must act to protect our national security, our Constitution, and the integrity of our elections.”

A new poll from New Mexico’s 2nd District shows that 66 percent want Torres Small to move past impeachment and focus on the work they elected her to do, and more than half (56 percent) of all voters in the Second Congressional District oppose Congress impeaching President Trump. President Trump won New Mexico’s 2nd District in 2016 by six points.

After almost a year in office, Torres Small has supported hyper-partisan left-wing measures, including mandatory universal background checks on guns, the “Equality Act,” which would rip away religious freedom from Christian businesses and put men in girl’s restrooms, radical “green” legislation which would ban fracking, supported giving citizenship to criminal aliens and refused to support a bipartisan bill protecting babies who survive failed abortions, just to name a few. Torres Small also supports New Mexico Gov. Lujan Grisham’s $35 million “free college” plan, which would raise taxes significantly.

When I confronted Torres Small face-to-face on why she refuses to protect children who survive failed abortions, she refused to admit it actually exists, despite me citing sources, instead, repeating the canned response, “the law already exists to protect them.” 

Torres Small has taken thousands of dollars from Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Reps. Adam Schiff and Ted Lieu (D-CA), thousands from abortion up-to-birth groups Planned Parenthood and EMILY’s List, her husband’s state house campaign. She also has headlined fundraisers for Planned Parenthood outside of her district. 

Before the impeachment inquiry vote, many of Rep. Torres Small’s leftist constituents threatened that they would not vote for her in 2020 if she did not vote for impeachment. Now, it appears Torres Small is listening to Democrat party leaders and a minority of far-left constituents and voting for impeachment. 

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