NYMag: Van Drew’s pro-abortion stance makes him only GOP member with 100% rating from Planned Parenthood

After New Jersey Democrat Rep. Jeff Van Drew made the decision to switch parties to Republican over the impeachment of President Trump, liberal news media are now bringing to the nation’s attention that Van Drew is now the only GOP representative who is pro-abortion and has a 100% rating from abortion up-to-birth group Planned Parenthood. 

New York Magazine’s Ed Kilgore cites Van Drew’s previous statement that he’s “strongly and unequivocally pro-choice: I support Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose. Any efforts to weaken or undermine that right will face my fierce opposition.”

The article says, “It is most definitely going to annoy Trump’s extremely important conservative Evangelical and traditionalist Catholic allies that a friend of the baby-killers has snuck back into the tent.”

It appears the hit job is meant to cast doubt on Republicans in Van Drew’s district, which is predominantly Republican, which may denote many are pro-life. This issue is sure to come up in the 2020 election, where Van Drew will face critique from Republican challengers, one of which called him a “weasel.” 

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