This Giving Tuesday, don’t support dark money pro-abortion groups pretending to be ‘nonprofits’

Dark money fake “nonprofits” NARAL, Planned Parenthood, EMILY’s List and others are parading around this Giving Tuesday to try and scrape up more money from pro-abortion radicals to advance the cause of killing children in the womb up to the date of birth. 

Today, Planned Parenthood interim president Alexis McGill Johnson sent out an email claiming a laundry list of falsities, such as that President supports an “unethical gag rule,” which is neither unethical or a “gag rule.” The term, intended to scare people into donating merely refers to the Trump Administration not allowing doctors who refer clients for abortion to receive federal funding. 

McGill Johnson also referenced, the “unprecedented flood of abortion bans and restrictions,” which are saving women’s lives across the country from the horrors of abortion. 

The terms used to market the bioethical travesty known as abortion such as “reproductive health rights” are targeting women to be misled into getting abortions and donating to organizations that perform abortions, such as Planned Parenthood.

The fake nonprofit’s 501C4 arm, Planned Parenthood Action reportedly received  $4.75 million from left-wing billionaire George Soros and his family. They also received $1 million from Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg.

Pro-abortion fringe group NARAL’s president Ilyse Hogue sent out an email today as well, fearmongering about end times if supporters don’t rush “urgent” contributions to the abortion group, saying “Roe v. Wade is hanging by a thread.” Mind you, they have been spouting off this same tired talking point for months.

The email also bashed President Trump and pro-life Republicans such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who they intend to target in 2020.

NARAL reportedly received upwards of $6.6 million from billionaires Warren Buffett and George Soros.

While radical pro-abortion groups are hanging by a thread themselves, peddling the draconian, unethical, and sadistic messages of abortion up-to-birth for any reason, regular Americans can donate to pro-life causes.

Donate to these great pro-life organizations instead:

Susan B. Anthony List

For pro-life political activism, check out Susan B. Anthony List, who supports winning pro-life candidates across the country, including 2018 midterm pro-life victories. Some of these candidates included pro-life Senators Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Josh Hawley (R-MO), Rick Scott (R-FL), Mike Braun (R-IN), and others. 

Human Life Alliance

If you are a pro-life sidewalk counselor or know of some who stand in front of abortion clinics working to help women choose life, the information and materials they disseminate are critical to their ministry. Human Life Alliance provides invaluable resources to these sidewalk counselors, and their work has saved countless lives.

March for Life

Every January, the March for Life takes place in Washington, D.C., where hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers show Washington the meaning and value of life. The March for Life work tirelessly each year to put on the spectacular event, and you can help fund the life-changing event this Giving Tuesday. 

Students for Life of America

Countless college and high school-age students learn and get involved in the pro-life movement through Students for Life of America’s broad programs across the country, changing hearts and minds to the pro-life movement through meaningful activism and prayer. 

These organizations by no means encompass the wealth of incredible organizations to give to this Giving Tuesday, and there are so many great local nonprofits to donate to also. So this Giving Tuesday, help save lives by helping pro-lifers across the nation combat radical pro-abortion extremism at the state house, the U.S. Capitol steps, or in your neighborhood.

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