Billionaire Michael Bloomberg jumps into 2020 Democrat field for president

On Sunday, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg formally announced his candidacy for President in a television ad.

In the video, he said “to rebuild the country and restore faith in the dream that defines us: Where the wealthy will pay more in taxes and the middle class get their fair share; everyone without health insurance can get it and everyone who likes theirs, keep it; where jobs won’t just help you get by but get ahead.”

Although Bloomberg has been a Republican, Independent, and Democrat during his career, he is running in the Democrat field for president, and certainly can afford to, with his $54 billion-dollar fortune.

Bloomberg is the second billionaire do join the race, behind California billionaire Tom Steyer.

He has already earned the endorsement of television judge, Judge Judy Sheindlin.

1 thought on “Billionaire Michael Bloomberg jumps into 2020 Democrat field for president”

  1. Why if the democrats cant stand a business man like Trump as President would they vote for Bloomburg …….another business man?

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