‘Squad’ propaganda looks eerily similar to Stalin’s communist regime

By going to the “Justice Democrats” website, it looks a lot like something someone would see in a fascist nation such as Soviet Russia or Maoist China with photos of the country’s dictator plastered from top to bottom.

USSR communist propaganda
Justice Democrats socialist propaganda

If you merely type in “JusticeDemocrats.com,” the first thing you see is a video featuring Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), with the caption “It’s time to usher in a new generation of diverse working class leaders into the Democratic Party,” which means the destruction of anything remotely resembling anything shy of the farthest left socialist policies imaginable.

Once you click past the AOC video, the next thing you’ll see is the website’s home page, which is emblazoned with the faces of the “Squad,” including AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Presley, all radical left-wing socialist representatives in the U.S. House. The photograph eerily resembles Russian communist propaganda of Stalin, Lenin, Marx, and Engels.

The three main policy platforms featured on the site are “Medicare for all,” the “Green New Deal,” and “Racial Justice,” which merely translates to radical communism, meant to force taxpayers to fork over cash for new taxes. These taxes would supposedly pay for socialized programs and “justice” initiatives, (punishing white people for being born white, etc). 

Almost every other page on the website somehow incorporates photographs of AOC and the “Squad,” including on the “Our Candidates” website, where far-left Democrats who support a socialist takeover are featured.

But the most hilarious part of the website is the store, which features the “Squad” one way or another on every item. One t-shirt reads “free college” in collegiate-looking font, with outlines of AOC’s gang in the middle. Under “free college,” reads “cancel student debt,” another far-left policy aiming to get the government to cancel trillions in student loan debt (which students willingly signed off to pay), another slap in the face to hard-working taxpayers who paid their way through school and paid off their loans.

Another t-shirt reads “a member of the AOC wing of the party,” with an outline of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the center. Another item names each “Squad” member, while some say “abolish ICE.” You get the picture.

Through radical groups like Justice Democrats and “Brand New Congress,” the far-left are successfully infiltrating the Democrat Party, where now, a pro-impeachment Democrat who differs slightly on abortion, such as Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL), is considered far-right to these militant lefties.

The “Squad” has now been molded into an icon for the Democrat Party to bow down and worship to, or else the socialist thought police will come running after incumbent Democrats with pitchforks threatening a primary challenge.

This is the current Democrat Party, and it’s only going to get worse unless these radicals are stopped in their tracks.

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