Candidate blamed by CNN hack for Rep. Cummings’ death — now she’s getting threats

On Saturday, after Kimberly Klacik announced her candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives on the Republican ticket for the late Rep. Elijah Cummings’ former seat, she was met with huge support from supports on Twitter. But some were not so nice.

CNN “political analyst” April Ryan shot out what can only be described as a nasty tweet, alleging Klacik is responsible for Elijah CUmmings’ death because she exposed the filthy Baltimore streets, including the rat and roach infestation of the city. 

Ryan wrote, “Cummings never got over the attack on him and the city.  It is all because of her.”

There have been some low political blows, but this one might just win an award for its bitterness and malice toward Kimberly Klacik.

Now, according to Klacik, she’s been forced to meet with a security team due to threats. 

But Klacik isn’t just stopping there. She’s planning on sending CNN the bill for April Ryan’s self-created controversy, which haters have now used as a pelting board for attacks. Klacik doesn’t seem to be too bothered by the controversy, but she’s ready to help the people of Baltimore during the campaign and in the U.S. House of Representatives if elected.

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