Trump blasts Dems’ ‘disgraceful’ Brett Kavanaugh hit job

On Wednesday, President Trump held a celebration at the White House honoring the judges appointed to the bench during his administration, including two Supreme Court justices, Hon. Neil Gorsuch and Hon. Brett Kavanaugh. 

In speaking about the approval process of Justice Kavanaugh, he said he told the jurist before confirmation that the process would be “so fast and so easy,” due to Kavanaugh’s “perfect life, perfect life, perfect education — top scholar, top schools.” 

Then Trump noted, “Little did he know… but I’ll tell you what — it represented something. It represented unfairness — and some of those people that came forward — to my way of thinking, all of those people that came forward — I thought it was disgraceful what happened, and I want to thank all of my Republican colleagues for standing up tall for a man who really didn’t deserve what he went through. Nobody could have believed a thing like that could have happened to a man like that — and you could almost say to anybody because nobody’s ever seen anything like it.”

Trump then went on to thank Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for his help in the process and touted that one in every four judges appointed to the bench is a Trump nominee. Trump also said that not ever in history has a president appointed so many circuit court judges in the period of time Trump has, and they are on average ten years younger than President Obama’s nominees.

But the huge statistic that the President rattled off was that “once all pending judges are confirmed, I will have appointed about 219 judges” and counting, a historic feat for a first-term president, in such a short period of time.

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