Schiff angry he wasn’t notified after Trump announces death of ISIS leader

After President Trump’s historic announcement that ISIS founder and leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died, Adam Schiff seemed happy for the victory but angry that the “Gang of Eight” wasn’t notified.

Schiff appeared on ABC’s “This Week” with Martha Raddatz to speak about the undercover operation.

“My understanding [Pelosi] wasn’t [told]. But a couple of things, first of all, good riddance. [Al-Baghdadi] was a bloodthirsty killer to the degree that he retained operational control of ISIS,” Schiff said. “This is an operational success, this is a symbolic victory. He had the blood of thousands and thousands of people on his hands, including many Americans and American journalists. So, this a great day, a ruthless killer has been brought to justice.”

The Intelligence Committee chairman seemed angered that the President did not notify him though, saying “In terms of notifying the Gang of 8, that wasn’t done.”

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